Download The Active Community Tafe Proposal >> [ CLICK TO DOWNLOAD ]
To create an active ‘HUB’ for anyone that needs a direction in life…
The Active Community has a strategic plan to recommission abandoned spaces. The goal is to turn unused amazing sites into self- sustainable interactive “entertainment and practical education hubs” where we can educate people that need employment to get to a stable place in life and at the same time entertain the whole family at an affordable price point.
The Active Community training programs will assist those with barriers to up skill, gain practical hands on experience, knowledge and importantly grow the confidence to move into employment and create ongoing career pathways.
This “HUB” will be a destination venue for all our community- families, young people and tourists alike to visit and experience. Think Miami Marketta with a SOCIAL CONSCIOUS. Art, Culture, food, entertainment for everyone.
The top issues in our country at this minute are unemployment and youth at risk.
What???? our Active Community Program will tackle both head on…
Our Active Community Program proposes to take on this abandoned site; with the support of the Queensland Tourism Industry Council, Queensland Department of Education and a partnering with like-minded Registered Training Organisations we can turn this facility into a community VENUE and TRAINING CENTRE. The Active Community Program will not only complement and enhance tourism but strengthen the Social Consciousness of the Noosa Brand without taxpayers’ money. Support us to make this happen.
*Education: The education will be split throughout the 3 buildings, offering a vast range of training opportunities in a variety of industry streams. It will be a dynamic learning environment with hands-on practical experience employment. Moving forward our programs will be open to anyone that needs to upskill for promotion, to change careers or seek employment. All programs will lead to a nationally accredited qualification and certificate. The Active Community goal is to generate the education running cost from the profits of the LIVE venue space.
Building 1: The sound lab… Will be the first live media school in the world. Students will learn how to record, film, stream, podcast live while the entertainment is active in the venue. The sound lab will be an electric space for people interested in Arts, Music, and Dance to come and study and to create all in one place. The rooms will be set up to have an inclusive learning environment with expert teachers to help foster and nurture students’ artistic side. There will be a gallery to showcase art which can be purchased as donations to the artist. A movie room where students can showcase their short films & documentaries. A recording studio to allow artists to record and get their music out to the world. Here we want to give our students as much opportunity as possible. We will also be teaching students every part of the industry from maintenance, promotion, event management, sound engineering, stage management to give them a greater opportunity for a career.
Building 2: The food lab… Hospitality and Tourism is Noosa’s number one area of employment. Our food lab will deliver an engaging interactive program to skill students in the art of hospitality, food processing, and retail food. Our specialist industry trainers will facilitate, instruct and supervise students to bake, create and make locally sourced delicious food for our customers and fellow students.
Every day will be a mixture of hands-on practice and theory giving the students an in-depth view of the industry and how it works. With practical challenges, students will actually learn what it takes to run their own business and become a master of the game. And… there’s no point making food unless people buy it! The students will learn hospitality ‘theatre’ learning how to sell the food not just ‘tell people what’s in it’. Hospitality is one of the biggest industries out there, our students will be trained to be at the top of the game and leader in their new careers.
Building 3: The Kid lab/Youth Club…
One of Noosa’s large problems is a space for young people to socialize, meet and express themselves in a supervised environment. Many venues have a kid’s room that is unsupervised and offer very little engagement.
Our goal is to build somewhere to nurture and engage our young people and for families to be able to have an affordable night out for ALL the family whilst students are learning Childcare.
There will be something for all age ranges from a mini cinema, creative spaces with workshops, mini-adventure parks, and sport introductions.
During the day we have the option to run affordable childcare for those in the community who really need it like single mums etc.
Here we will offer hands-on training where our students can everything there is to know about taking care of kids and how to engage with them.
Students wanting to undertake the childcare program will complete the nationally accredited qualification and have practical experience in dealing with kids, making them an asset to any centre around the country.
The live facility combining training with the community we want to build a 1000 seat amphitheater in the centre of the facility where on Friday and Saturday nights we have live music playing and a street food fiesta. This will allow the students training to put their practical skills to the test. Noosa locals and tourists will be able to come to the venue and listen to some amazing live bands, buy at a very affordable price food and drinks and at the same time not have to worry about their kids as they will be in the kid’s lab having a great time. All proceeds’ made through this will once again go to paying for the student’s education and training.
The Goal…
It’s all about outcomes, outcomes, outcomes. We want our students to gain long term sustainable careers in the Noosa area. Active Communities will team up with local employers to get them on board to recruit through the Active Communities Hub. This will help local businesses by cutting the cost of recruitment. With recruiting costing a company around the $10,000 mark offering a free recruitment strategy will help business’ employ the right people, knowing they are reliable, trained and excited to work and allow the money to be spent on staff training or taking on a young apprentice or trainee. Active Communities hopes to see 70% of its students employed within 6 months of completing the training program.
The Active communities goal is to create an affordable entertainment venue that caters for the whole family where the revenue will run the education making it self- sustainable and then able to roll out to engage other communities with lots of hands-on education and fun.
Where buildings could be falling into disrepair, we will set up funds to bring the facility back into a safe venue for all to enjoy. We will also have to find funding to build a live venue. We have spoken to the world-famous leaders in eco builds Earth Ship about the possibility of them building the venue. This will enable us not to only have an educational build but we’ll have ongoing education in permaculture and eco-sustainability.
The venue needs to be big enough to run marquee events that can accommodate a wide variety to capitalise on the large numbers to make the revenue needed to look after such an ambitious project, everything from large corporate events that Noosa can’t accommodate at the moment, large concerts, day time children’s entertainment like The Astronauts, The Wiggles, weddings, as well as our larger community to have somewhere for the whole family at a very affordable place.
We have identified a number of revenue streams once we are up and running to cover outgoings but we will need help to bring the education spaces up to scratch and build the venue. We think it will be a small investment for such a huge return in practical education and what the venue will bring to the WHOLE community. Once in operation, the goal is that the venue then pays for its running.
We could work with the local council, Queensland Government or as a separate entity which would be discussed and found the best way forward for all parties involved.